SEOMDC Amhurst Island Beach Hunt

SEOMDC 2nd Annual Hunt Of 2023

The members of the Southeastern Ontario Metal Detecting Club (SEOMDC) were buzzing with excitement as they embarked on their second annual group hunt of 2023. This time, they decided to venture to Amherst Island, a picturesque location known for its stunning beach. However, instead of our usual choice of a farmer’s field, or back country dig site, we opted for a change of scenery and targeted a busy local beach instead. Unfortunately there had been a blistering west wind for several days bringing the water levels very high and made things interesting for being able to spread out.

I had taken it upon myself to add an extra element of fun to the hunt. I had secretly seeded a portion of the beach at the far end with coins and cheap Gawdy jewelry items I had purchased through an online Facebook forum. It was his way of creating an engaging experience for the club members and the curious onlookers who had gathered to witness the event, not to mention a couple interested new detectorists that were there just to see how a club of this nature operated.

The day of the hunt arrived, and the sun bathed the beach in a warm, golden glow. The members of the SEOMDC set up their equipment and eagerly awaited the start of the hunt. The turnout was impressive, with approximately 15 club members and several individuals interested in learning more about the club and its members.

The first hunt of the day was a non-seeded beach hunt, with everyone given a 1/2hour to scour the sand for hidden treasures. Metal detectors hummed and beeped as the participants spread out and combed the beach, their excitement growing with each discovery. Coins from various eras, buttons, and even a few trinkets were unearthed, showcasing the rich history that lay beneath the sandy surface. The best item of the day turned out to be a legit find that club member Carlos had uncovered even prior to the start of the event in an area designated for people to just test out their equipment. Carlos had uncovered a hefty Silver .925 bracelet with an engraving of the name Catherine etched into it. The bracelet looked as if it had been on the beach for decades due to the patina on the item suggesting it’s age.

Next came the water hunt, an 45 minute -long adventure that tested the skills and patience of the club members. Armed with their waterproof detectors, most of the members waded into the shallow waves, carefully scanning the lake floor. The refreshing water provided refreshing cooling from the warm sun, and the joy of finding submerged treasures although far and few between, however it added a new dimension to the hunt. Some members had never tested their skills in the water before so this was a new skill set for some, & a good way to test their equipment.

After a well-deserved break for a hotdog lunch provided by the club, the members gathered on the far side of the beach for the grand finale—the seeded hunt.

Excitement filled the air as I revealed he had hidden some treasures earlier. The participants eagerly spread out, their metal detectors beeping with every step as they uncovered the coins and jewelry I had planted. Laughter and friendly competition echoed across the beach as people rivalled for the coveted marked coin that would lead to a prize—a gift certificate to Forest Coty Metal Detectors, located in London Ontario

Time flew by as the sun made its descent towards the horizon. The hunts had come to an end, but the sense of camaraderie and shared adventure lingered. The SEOMDC members gathered to share stories and showcase their days finds, their eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Member Carlos was one of the clear winners of the day. Like I mentioned earlier, he had uncovered that amazing silver bracelet. But he wasn’t done there. He had also found fistfuls of coins I had carefully placed throughout the beach, and he also found the Key that I had painted 3 black dots which in turn earned him the $50 gift certificate.


Then came Member Bill Newman. Bill had spent the majority of his time in the water for the day. Bill did not seem interested in the seeded hunt as many of the clubs members that have been in the hobby of detecting for decades seem to be very interested in seeded hunts. So Bill came back at the end of the hunts showing his dedication as a detectorist by spending hours in the water with little signals. However, Bill Newman did not walk away empty handed this afternoon. Bill was the winner of our 50/50 draw which earned him $95 to go home with.

Bill Newman

Other members had done well and a few not so much, but everyone had a smile on their faces as everyone packed up their equipment and bid farewell to the beach, the members of the SEOMDC reflected on a day well spent. It was not just about the treasures they all had unearthed but the memories they had created and the friendships they had forged.

What stuck out to me this day was how much member Gail Beausoleil had come from the first time she had first contacted me in the spring of 2023 when the club had first started, to today, where Gail was swinging up and down the beach and was able to gain herself several targets such as coins and items of interest without much help of other members. Gail has shown such hart and dedication to the hobby, immersing herself in as many opportunities that come across her table . Gail has been one of the clubs biggest supporters since the humble beginnings this past spring of 2023. Gail managed to be one of the few people during the day that ended up with coins that were not part of the seeded hunt.

Member Gail B.

The other member that has stuck out to me was Ryan Pugh. Not only does this man know how to detect, but seems to take every situation and dissect his surroundings to be able to assess the territory and be able to get the targets out of the ground better than even some of our veteran detectorists in our club. He seems to get super lucky and usually ends up with the better targets every time I am out with him. At some point maybe I’ll stop calling it luck, lol.

A day of Ryan’s finds lol

Everyone eagerly looks forward to future hunts, knowing that each one would bring new surprises and the opportunity to delve deeper into the fascinating world of metal detecting.

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