Another Island Hunt 2023

It was Wednesday June 28th I was meeting with SEOMDC club members Bill Newman, Adam and his girlfriend Bailey at a predetermined location which Bill had chosen.

We all met up at about 10:00 AM that day, everyone seemed super excited to go on this adventure, when Bille arrived, he brought with him two kayaks and a canoe. We all loaded our gear into the canoe well Bailey and Adam chose a kayak each to get them across to a nearby island. Once we were all loaded, we headed out into the water.

It didn’t take long to cross the lake and after a quick discussion and planning session we all unloaded our gear and got to detecting. Bill grabbed his gear and immediately headed through the pathways across the island to the open waters of Lake Ontario where Adam Bailey and I decided to stay close to where we had pulled up to the beach with our boats. Bill warned us that the area we were detecting in was full of trash as he had been there once before, still we thought we’d give it a go.

Bailey reaching shore

Billy and Adam stuck to the beach area well I headed out into the shallow waters I almost immediately had shallow signals my machine screaming at me with great VDI numbers lo and behold those numbers turned up to be pull tabs. Adam & Bailey, we’re busy digging in the sand, but turned up nothing but bottle caps.

We quickly learned That we should have listened to Bill and headed to the other island with him as he was not wrong the area we were digging was absolutely full of trash.

We grabbed our things walkthrough the path and headed to the other side of the island, it only took about two minutes to walk across where we saw bill bent over with his head looking firmly into a hole he just dug, I yelled over to him GOT ANYTHING GOOD? , , He replied, Nope, just bottle caps. He asked us if we had found anything on the beach where we had landed, and I replied Nope just bottle caps and pull tabs.

Bill walked over to Adam, Bailey & myself, we made a quick plan to where each of us were going to detect. Bill was happy to stay put and work the immediate area, Adam Bailey we’re going to work northwest along the beach, and I was going to head southeast along the beach and in the water. In fact, looking SE down the beach about 300 yards away to my surprise was a volleyball net set up for people to come in their boats spend a day with their families or friends have a picnic and a game of volleyball.

I turned on my machine put my headphones on my eyes to the ground and started swinging my coil. Off in the distance in the water the Canadian Coast Guard had a helicopter flying overhead and they were doing training rescue missions which was interesting to watch. However, time was wasting away so I put my eyes back to the ground and continued to swing my coil. Now this side of the island didn’t seem to be as trashy as the protected side of the island was. I was still picking up the odd pull tab or bottle cap, but this side was still much quieter.

After about 45 minutes I was about a third of the way to the volleyball area when I got a decent signal coming from my legend, it indicated the item was about 5 to 6 inches deep and was ringing up a 45 or 46 on my display. I dug down and quickly revealed I had found my first coin a 1942 King George the 6th canadian penny. Not too Shabby, but pennies was not what I was after, today being that it was a beach hunt I was looking for older coins or jewelry.

I continued swinging and slowly walking towards the volleyball area. I looked behind me to see where the others were at, Adam and Bailey had worked themselves all the way to the northwest end of the beach and look like tiny ants from where I was standing, Bill on the other hand had barely left the area we had started from.

They are all in the pic somewhere lol

As I wasn’t having much luck on the beach, I decided to get myself into the water a little bit I couldn’t go too far out ’cause the waves we’re starting to get fairly big and I didn’t want to be wet from head to toe so I stayed in about two feet of water zigzagging back and forth still I wasn’t having much luck,

As I got closer and closer to the volleyball net I started hearing more and more sounds and tones from my machine I suspected mostly trash so I wasn’t thinking a lot of it as I didn’t want to be digging garbage all day long my pouch was already getting kind of full. As I looked behind me again, I could see that Adam and Bailey were making their way towards me and every once in a while, looked like they were having some luck bending down and using their pin pointers. I sure hope they were having better luck than I was.

As Adam Bailey approached, I could see bill was now walking towards us as well but he was not carrying his metal detector. Just as Adam and Bailey we’re about 50 yards away my detector started screaming at me a solid 46 on the screen with a high pitch, it was definitely a digable  tone. As I stuck my CKG sand scoop into the ground And shook out the sand I was pleasantly rewarded with an English 50P piece from? A little strange to have a coin like that pop up where it was but I wasn’t complaining.

Now Adam and Bailey had made their way to where I was standing and I asked them if they had found anything of interest as of yet? They replied no nothing but trash bottle caps and pull tabs are everywhere.

Then they asked me the same question I was able to show them my King George the 6th penny and my last find of an English 50P piece. Bill was also arriving to our spot so I showed him my fines as well. He told us he hadn’t found anything yet. Other than that like the rest of us a bunch of trash. When he saw that I had a couple of coins he grinned and said he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit jealous

Bill and Adam looking at my coin

We were roughly halfway through the day’s dig so we all took a small break had a chat decided that the area we were in by the volleyball net so far has been the best producting area and it might be a good idea to stay where we were unfortunately for bill he had left all of his gear back in the area he had spent all morning at which is probably 500 yards back where we started from. So he left us to go back to his gear where he stayed detecting the rest of the day.

My plan was to grid the volleyball area working my way back and forth and left and right because obviously this area is where people congregate and where people congregate you’re more likely to find treasure like rings bracelets necklaces jewelry of all shapes and sizes and of course coins. So as soon as I was about to start I had just turned on my machine and got a bit of a signal I didn’t think it was a great signal so I turned to Bailey who was beside me and told her hey Bailey I think there’s something here if you want to give it a try? She walked over to where I was point swung over the spot and decided to dig it. It wasn’t long before she revealed what looked like a golden button.

Adam and myself were both swinging legends that day and we took the button put it back on the ground swung over it to see what the VDI number displayed on our screens it was ringing up a 44 to 46 which indicates copper in my personal experience, “so was this a copper button with gold gild?” Adam and Bailey would have to research this when they get home. Either way it was an interesting find and they were finally on the board.

I however started gridding the volleyball area and unfortunately I didn’t find a damn thing. As time went on I thought it best that I start making my way back to our starting point Adam had left Bailey and I on the beach and disappeared to go somewhere so both Bailey and I headed towards where bill was now detecting in the water Bailey stayed to the beach area and I swung my way back to the starting point in the shallow waters on my way back I did get a couple more hits. I found a whistle two more Canadian pennies one of which was unrecognizable, and a bobble head toy of some sort lol.

Bill finding some foil
Bill Newman

I think Bailey got a couple of pennies as well or maybe that was Adam but she was carrying a bag with two pennies and that golden button

And she also got a dog toy which I think was a surface find ‘because it was rubber.

When Bailey and I made our way back to where Bill was All three of us decided to stop-and have a sandwich.  All of us were having a hard time that day finding anything of interest other than my English coin.Adam joined us about 20 minutes later and we all decided to pack up go back to the other side where our kayaks and canoe was and think about going home.

before we left, Adam surprised us with two Hot Wheels trucks which meant he wasn’t going home empty handed. Then we all got back into our boats headed across the lake and back to our vehicles. we helped bill load his boats back into his pickup truck before we headed home. it wasn’t a day loaded with crazy amounts of treasure, that’s for sure. However, it was a great day spent getting to know a few club members and searching an area most of us had never been before in my opinion it was a great day and cool adventure.

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